Fevosoft CodingFTP is a very useful application for ensuring FTP file transfers between user PC and an FTP server over the web.
The main feature the publishers remark is the high security on file transfers. The application uses SSH/SSL channels when uploading or downloading files and folders. Whenever a transfer is made, the program checks its integrity to make sure that the files have been moved safely. An email is sent to the FTP server administrator when a transfer is complete. Broken or interrupted transfers are automatically resumed at the same point they were stopped. A report is created whenever a resume is executed.
Besides all these coding advantages, the application allows the user to work as in a regular FTP server program renaming, deleting, or moving folders and files at both ends of the connection.
Users can write Java and VB scripts for coding or scheduling tasks, automated file transfers and other related operations. With these simple scripts, the user can set or change the operation flow, even in unattended mode (with no user interaction needed). Right after a file transfer, the application creates a transfer detailed log. The application includes sample scripts in both Java y VB for making easier the user FTP operation.
The program enables the user to work with command line, making the integration into another custom programs easier.
Users can synchronize complete folders to keep files up to date. The application transfers automatically only the files that have been changed. Files can be compressed before they are transferred.